Yep, it’s true. The Covid-19 stinks to most of us but not to all. The people testing positive for COVID-19 seem to lose their sense of smell. One victim reported that the diapers no longer smelled. Bad or good. That seems like a potentially good thing to some of us, but we do need our sense of smell. But Covid-19 victims do suffer from Anosmia, a loss of smell. Cooks and chiefs can no longer sniff their garlic, curry and peppers. In fact, this may be the only symptoms for some who test positive for the deadly virus. President Trump is being mocked at how he is handling this new crisis by liberals but what the heck. He can’t do anything right anyway—in their eyes.
Read moreThe day finally arrived.
Read moreIn 1874, Mrs. Lena Lowery was born in Richmond, Indiana. Little is known about her early life, educational background and awards. What is known is that in 1902, she became principal of Douglass High School in Chandler, Oklahoma. The following year she married George W. F. Sawner, a wealthy local businessman. From 1902 to 1934, Mrs. Sawner served as Douglass School Principal where she distinguished herself as a master educator, activist, humanitarian, and elegant role model. She demanded that the quality of education received at Douglass be equal to or better than that provided in the segregated white school system.
Read moreOKLAHOMA CITY — The Oklahoma Historical Society (OHS) Black Heritage Committee is organizing a tour of sites significant to the Civil Rights Movement in Arkansas, Tennessee, Mississippi and Alabama. The week-long trip will depart Sunday morning, May 10, from the Oklahoma History Center and return Friday evening, May 15. There are a limited number of bus seats available. to view the itinerary and to register for the tour
Read moreMembers of the community gathered for the “Mike Snyder Celebration” Saturday night at the Enoch Kelly Haney Center on the campus of Seminole State College.
Read moreSirs: I was raised in Wetumka during the 40’s, 50’s, and the early part
Read moreCan I catch the Coronavirus? Why not? Seems like the Pope has it. Well, his staff members claim the Pope only has a cold, but he is into his second week of cancelling events. Looks suspicious to me. And the Ayatollah’s top aid just died of it. Since I note this virus is zeroing in on those of the “cloth” it has made me more concerned for our own local pastors here around Allen. I haven’t seen any of our local clergy coming down with this yet. But I think we should keep an eye on them.
Read moreWe had 9 Moon Domino players Monday night! Isn’t that great! They were Barbara Tiger, Selma Fitzhugh, Arjean Williams, Jean Young, Lynn Marquis, Sharon Dilday, Joyce Brinlee, Cindy McDaniel and Wanda Davis.
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