A while back, I got hearing aids. They have been a blessing. With that in mind, I really enjoyed the following story… An elderly gentleman had been having serious hearing problems for a number of years. Finally, he went to an audiologist to see what could be done to help. Once
Read moreby John Phillips | posted in: Vol. 27: 4th Quarter 2024, John Phillips | Have you ever asked yourself what the odds of you being you, are? The answer will bring you down some very geeky roads with large numbers, obviously. Using something tangible helps with wrapping our heads around some of the answers. Keep in mind, it is commonly believed that something has zero probability of occurring (or is “mathematically impossible”) at 1 in 1×1050 (that’s 1 with 50 zeros behind it).
Read moreI remember penny candy and penny gumball machines. They are, of course, no longer available, and soon the penny itself will also join them in extinction.
Read moreHamilton County, situated just north of Indianapolis, has been home to a sports megaplex for the past decade that fundamentally changed not only a tiny rural town but also a cultural mindset in the region.
Read moreSome hard-earned advice from the theologian and the Founding Father.
Read moreAn answer to the 8-year-old Virginia O’Hanlon’s written inquiry, “Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus” has been printed in newspapers throughout the nation.
Read moreStudies reveal that Gen Z is struggling with happiness, but there are ways to turn that around.
Read moreFor this New Jersey farmer, it’s years of patience, endless pruning, and a little bit of crazy.
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