The All-Black town called IXL is in Okfuskee County in Sections 7, 8, 17, and 18 in Township 12 North, Range 9 East, along State Highway 48, approximately three miles north of the town of Castle and six miles northeast of Boley, which is historically an All-Black town. Castle Township, which surrounds IXL, and Paden Township, its neighbor to the west, were heavily populated with African American farm families at least as early as 1900, as indicated by U.S. Census reports.
Read moreMarvin and Tanya Blades and Donnie and Shirley Nero drove to Pittsburg State University to be with their son and grandson for Pittsburgh State University homecoming. The football team played Ft. Hayes and came away with a win. It was an enjoyable weekend visiting with Makai, a senior Pitt State track member. While there, the family was able to visit with Sharon Dean, wife of Harvey Dean, former basketball and trach coach at Weleetka High School and former coach of Shirley Nero. Coach Dean was ill and unable to attend the game or visit with anyone.
Read moreFor over fifty years, it has been my privilege to personally know every president of the United States of America Six of them have been Republicans, four of them have been Democrats I am regis tered to vote as an independent and I write this as a private citizen who is concerned about the direction of our country Being an independent does not mean that I don t have strong convictions about the critic al issues facing out nation and world For me, it means that I don’t blindly vote for any party or person Following the example of those who signed our founding Declaration of Independence, I support candidates and positions consistent with the purpose of our Creator, by whom we “are endowed with certain unalien able Rights,” including “L ife, I iberty and the pursuit of Happiness ” I don’t know of a time in my life when these rights have been in greater jeopardy than they are in this elec tion Not only the rhetoric but more importantly, the track records of those campaigning for our votes c ould not offer a starker contrast for our future Headlines in the mainstream media declare that the current national Democratic ticket is the most radi c ally progressive in our history In my estimation, however, it represents nothing other than anti God social ism that will fleece American citizens of even more of our hard won free doms and hard-earned dollars And most Democratic candidates in state and local races are supporting the same positions Republican positions at the national, state and local levels while not perfect reflect a greater commit rnent to those founding ideals of life and liberty They defend religious freedom including for followers of the l o r d lesus Christ, protect the unborn; support our military and law enforcement, stand by the nation of Israel without hedging or wavering, guard our borders and national sec u rity, favor a conservative judiciary, and promote fiscal responsibility
Read moreDuring the Town of Clearview Trustee meeting, the Trustees approved entering a contract with ecoLINK to bring broadband internet into the city limits of Clearview. The work should be completed withing four to six months. Continued prayers for those on our sick list for Llyod David and Lovie Samilton, Christopher Stripling, Bobby West (lung cancer), Otis Davis, Terry Normore, Jerry French (cancer), Irene Carson, Taft Forshee, Tiger French, Wilbert Zackery, Brady Drake (cancer), and Earnest Hamilton.
Read moreFor years, the Hughes County Tribune has printed news for the Town of Clearview. The town appreciates their interest in the town’s citizens and community and most importantly their history, culture, and events.
Read moreDr. Donnie Nero participated in the celebration of Tulsa Community College Southeast Campus celebration of 40 years on Friday, October 18, 2024 at the Southeast Campus. Past and present TTC presidents, provost, deans, staff, and students, attended the program and celebration.
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