Carl Willis Morse

Carl Willis Morse, husband, father, and the best grandpa who ever lived was born July 9, 1928 in Okfuskee County, Oklahoma to Claude Augusty Morse and Mamie Grace Lester Morse. Carl graduated from Yukon High School and joined the US Air Force in 1948. After serving two years stateside, he served in Guam during the Korean conflict, rising to the rank of Staff Sergeant before leaving the service in 1952.
In 1954, he married Lucile McCarty, kicking off more than six decades of service, family, and fellowship. During their marriage, they raised a daugh - ter, Carla, and a son, Mack and then be - came doting and loving grandparents and great-grandpar -
ents. After becom - ing a Christian, Carl served as a dea- con and teacher in Baptist churches wherever he and Lu -
cile lived. Together, Carl and Lucile led a life of service to their church family, to their community, to friends, and to their own family: provid - ing meals, support, mentorship, and compassion to all in need.
After he and Lucile married, he attended Cameron University and graduated from East Central University with bachelor and master's degrees. Af - ter completing some post graduate work at Oklahoma State, he taught in Arkansas City, Kansas and Olney, Oklahoma. Carl then served as an elementary principal in Holdenville Schools the rest of his education career and retired to continue his lifelong interest in ranching and farming and running his own commercial peach orchard. After retiring from the farm, he and his beloved wife moved to the Lake Eufaula area and later to Houston, Texas.
He is survived by his daughter Carla and her husband Dawson Anderson, his son Mack and his wife Mary; four grandchildren Jarrod Morse and his wife Sarah, Katelyn and her husband Nick Furman, Amanda and her husband Chris Jordan, and Sam Morse; great-grandsons Tyler and Dylan Jordan, Jack and Will Furman, great-granddaughter Emory Jordan, sister Leota Morse, and brother Otto and his wife, Roberta Morse. He was preceded in death by his wife of 67 years Lucile McCarty Morse, his father and mother Claude and Grace Morse, his broth - ers Vernon and Virgil Morse, and his great-granddaugh - ter Natalie Furman.
Visitation will be Friday, October 20, 2023, from 6:00 8:00 pm at Hunn Black & Merritt Fu - neral Home in Eu -
faula, Oklahoma. Graveside services will be Saturday, October 21, 2023, at 11:00 am at Vernon Ceme - tery in Coweta, Oklahoma. In lieu of flowers, donations would be appreciated to the library at University Baptist Church at 16106 Middle Brook Drive, Houston, Tx 77058.