Jamie Dawn Epperley

Jamie Dawn Epperley passed away in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on Thursday, March 28, 2024, at the age of 48 years.
Jamie is the daughter of Gary Nolan Epperley and Tarry Ann (Howard) Epperley, born on March 2, 1976, in Seminole, Oklahoma. She was brought up and attended schools in Holdenville, and graduated Holdenville High School in 1994. She was married to Brett Traylor and they were parents of two children, Talan and Morgan. Jamie attended Seminole State College in Seminole and earned an Associate’s degree. She worked for several years as a dental assistant for CCA Earl Davis Correctional Facility in Holdenville, but she was primarily a homemaker. She was a devoted and creative stay at home mom, and worked from home on various projects to make ends meet.
She attended Gleaners Holiness Church in Wewoka. She enjoyed working puzzles and playing games, especially Name That Tune. She was very much into Halloween and was very active in the festivities, decorating and events. She loved music and she loved to dance. Most of all she loved her family, and the delight of her life was spending time with her children and grandchildren.
She is preceded in death by her parents, Gary and Tarry Epperley; grandson Jaylen Traylor; and stepfather George Leon Horn.
She is survived by two children, Talan Traylor and Morgan Maynard (Joseph), both of Coalgate; two grandchildren, Baylon Maynard and Jacetyn Traylor; her twin sister, Amie Tiger (Dan) of Stillwater; brother Christopher Epperley (Ann) of Wewoka; one niece, Liberty Epperley, and three nephews: Kaleb Epperley, Logan Tiger, and Israel Tiger; numerous other relatives and many friends.
Memorial services will be held on Saturday, April 6th, 11:00am at Gleaners Holiness Church in Wewoka, with Rev. Larry Chesser and Rev. Marla Chesser officiating. http://www. fisherfh.net