Linda Owens

Muscogee Nation citizen, Linda K. Owens, who made her home in Scranton Pennsylvania, died on August 7, 2023 at the Hospice of the Sacred Heart Inpatient Unit. Her husband of 42 years is Gary W. Owens Her life began in Dustin, Oklahoma and she belonged to Thewathle Indian Baptist Church in her youth she was the third of four daughters of the late J.
Freeman Roberts(Bear clan)and the late Wisey Whitlow-Roberts-Cox (Bird clan) both of the Muscogee Nation.
She leaves behind her beloved son Joshua Owens, of Scranton Pa, Sisters Wanda(Roberts)and husband Kern Farve, Ardmore, OK, Jan(Roberts) widow of William Quick, Dustin, OK and Peggy(Roberts) and husband Donny Hyslop, Quinton, OK and many nieces and nephews Prior to retirement she worked for Regional Hospital as a EVS Techician.
Linda enjoyed working along with her fellow Hospital employees she regarded them as close friends. Linda had love for her pets, Star 1, Star 2 both Rough Coat Sable Collies and currently Luke her cat during her life all three of them were her guardians through health struggles.
Before her hospital employment she enjoyed babysitting for her Niece & Nephews Linda would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the nurses and staff at Hospice Of The Sacred Heart.
Funeral services were held August 15th at 7 pm in the Miller Bean Funeral Home Inc., 436 Cedar Ave., Scranton. Interment in Dunmore Cemetery will be private at the convenience of the family.