FAIRVIEW WINNER OF BALL TOURNEY AS MOSS TOPPLES Fairview High School boys won the county baseball championship here in the final game of the Big Chief tournament at 3 p.m.
Read moreIt is bright and early, and I feel cozy and blessed in a warm house, with a cup of coffee. There’s a nip in the air outside, autumn has finally
Read moreSooners escape cowboys for a bedlam victory.... Offense ruled the day as OSU gained 640 yards and OU 702 yards. OSU had 501 passing yards. Taylor Cornelius connected
Read moreEnjoying the festivities are Wetumka students: Alexa Taylor, Kinzley Davenport, Brooklyn Cohen, (back) Colton Handley, Jayce Wyrick.
Read moreFELONIES William Keith Absher—domestic assault and battery by strangulation Victor Kyle Billy—burglary in the second degree Rikki D. Hearrellbringing contraband into jail/penal institution James Wesley Beachal Newsom—knowingly concealing stolen property
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