Football season is almost here, and I wanted to share a story that I actually received last year . . .
Read moreThe latest example of how America has gone crazy is, the case of the deadly Coronaviruses, which has taken over four million lives worldwide.
Read moreAs the old Bible King, Solomon said in Ecclesiastes (which many of you will remember is in our recent Sunday school lessons) “what goes around, comes around.” Seems like this Covid stuff is sure trying to do just that. It’s back. Some of our “experts” are saying this strain could be worse than the earlier one. But I doubt it. Since at least half of our population has been vaccinated against this dangerous pest that means to me that at least the half of us who did get vaccinated are unlikely to catch it at all, or at least, if we do it should be an attenuated case because those already shot will have some antibodies to it. Unless you are just one of those who don’t believe the shots work. Well, that’s your problem.
Read moreThere are Cowboy rules for people visiting Oklahoma and other states classified as the Southwest or sometimes as the Wild West that vary from state to state but some basic rules apply to the entire area. Such as:
Read moreThe older I get the more I think about the “good old days.” And they in fact were the good old days. Awhile back our good friend Sue Clark Adams shared the following:
Old Paths
Read moreMany of us who still go to Sunday School are studying a part of the Old Testament called Ecclesiastes. Not only can we not spell it, we in the “Cemetery” Class have a hard time trying to comprehend the teachings of the old teacher (Solomon).
Read moreChisholm Trail Church of Christ
Read moreHow can you be sure your daughter remains a conservative woman of faith once she leaves your home? Given toxic social media, radical indoctrination in schools, and a popular culture that promotes non-traditional values, parents can’t assume she’ll stay conservative because she went to church. The best parenting mimics the way our heavenly Father loves his children, so our default parental setting should be to return to the immutable and transcendent Judeo-Christian truths that shaped America’s founding.
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